Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meeting sketches

I tend to get royally bored during meetings at work. Often the conversation goes round and round the same topic, without reaching any conclusion, ever. I used to follow it when I had just started working -- not any more. Now, I just draw. I can be fairly prolific during meetings -- just like our developers' meeting on Tuesday was. I was amazed myself at how quickly I ended up with so many drawings -- and they weren't overly casual sketches either. Here they are, scanned in -- drawn in my Moleskine notebook, with the formerly mentioned black india ink artist pen, and colored in with watercolor pencils (though I haven't washed them yet).

I made the following drawings earlier: one is a drawing of Austin's beautiful Pennybacker Bridge over Loop 360 (usually called the 360 Bridge), drawn from a photograph from a calendar, and the other is something I'd drawn from memory -- a young man surfing the internet (I presume) at the Chipotle restaurant at Parmer and Metric.

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