Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moving part I

Whew! This past weekend has been crazy....I'm moving out of my current apartment, and will be staying temporarily at a friend's place until my new apartment is ready to move into, which isn't till the 10th. So this past weekend, I've been going mad packing up all the junk accumulated over the course of the past year.
Sunday was tiring, I will admit that. I spent the whole day cleaning up, packing up, and then transferring almost everything I had to my friend's house. At the end of it, I felt like I'd been run through the wringer -- I was dropping with exhaustion. The house, though, was empty, which is a good thing -- I didn't want to come back from work on Tuesday and then move everything.
Yesterday was exhausting, too. I cleaned the house, and it took all my willpower not to simply hurl the paper towels at the floor and walk away. The underneath of the sink was -- shudder! -- Let's just say I never want to see anything like that ever again. It looked like something had died in there (didn't smell like it, though, so I'm hoping nothing did). My hand still smells like Clorox.
Cleaning the house was actually all I did yesterday. That, and flop down on my comforter (the bed's at the friend's place), and plonk headalong into a dreamless sleep. There's another round due today. Shudder! I don't even want to think about it.
On the other hand, though, I did discover my long-lost copy of the manga Ghost Hunt Vol. 1, so I guess there's something to cheer.....
More updates later.

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