I made it in 2004, just shortly before my twentieth birthday. I'd been working on a book, a book about a New Zealand schoolboy (I've forever wanted to go to New Zealand, so I decided to base my story there), and this was a scene from the book.
The book is about 12-year-old Brendon McCarthy, and his adventures in boarding school (how imaginative! :P), and his love for cricket (he's my creation -- he has to like what I like!!). In this scene, he and his best friend are sitting at home, bored, with nothing to do because it's raining, so they decide to go out and play soccer.
When I made the drawing, it really was pouring outside. This drawing was made circa August 2004, when it's peak monsoon season in Mumbai. I looked at the rain pattering against the window, and the wind howling through the (I was going to say trees, but that'd be a lie. Okay, the tall buildings) tall buildings. I could almost imagine two boys playing out in the rain, getting soaked and covered in mud playing soccer. I think because it was raining the drawing turned out even more realistic than I'd hoped for -- Brendon's hair looks like it's plastered to his skull in the drawing, a feat I'd never been able to achieve before.
Hmm, so maybe that's the lesson for drawing well....try to experience what you're drawing, and it will turn out realistic, rather than trying to imagine it all! Hmmm.....does that mean, to make this drawing even more realistic....I need to visit New Zealand??!!! Whoohoo! :)
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