Friday, September 18, 2009


My God, has it really been five months since I last blogged?? Wow. Things have been busy at work, so I haven't really had a chance to write anything. In fact, even as I write this, I'm keeping an eye on the clock on my iHome -- it's 8:43am, and I really should be leaving for work. Work should be fun today -- we have a Pirates' Day at work, where we get to wear eyepatches and say "Ar!" (unfortunately, my team didn't get any eyepatches). I'm also really, really enjoying the new weather -- till about the 8th of this month, it was hot and muggy and just nasty; and then the weather did a sudden about-turn, and it's been cool and windy and cloudy ever since. I love it! I hope it rains today and tomorrow too. It's weird -- the way the weather suddenly changed. And we haven't even reached the autumnal equinox yet! Well, who's complaining? Everybody in Texas wanted some cooler days. It's just the weather to be eating hot pizza and drinking warm cups of Earl Grey tea, and reading detective novels -- like AA Fair's novels, that I have just discovered. AA Fair is the pseudonym of Erle Stanley Gardner, whose Perry Mason novels I used to gobble daily for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner when I was in my teens. Perry Mason novels focus more on the legal aspect of the cases; AA Fair's Cool and Lam books are just pure hardboiled detective fiction, with delicious phrases like "Dr Devarest was dead as a mackarel", or "I socked him one on the jaw, and he let loose with a haymaker from the hip". Ah, hardboiled detective fiction :) There's nothing quite like it! I'm reading a similar book called Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis, except it was written in 2008, not 1948. It's interesting in its own way -- but here, they talk more about DNA forensics and CSI, instead of lifting fingerprints from lipstick. And another look at the clock tells me it's almost 9, so I should start wrapping this up, and get moving to the car. Till later!

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